
Your guide to our digital currency. What it means, how it works, and how it can change the way we experience our world.

Today for you, tomorrow for me

i . knee

An ancient way of seeing the world & each other

The concept of Ayni finds its origin in the Quechua-speaking indigenous communities of the Andean region. Ayni represents the principle of reciprocity, where giving & receiving are interconnected. It reflects the belief that one's actions should be guided by a sense of balance and fairness.

This ancient concept continues to be upheld by indigenous Andean communities today, serving as a model & reminder of the importance of collaboration, cooperation, and shared responsibility in creating harmonious relationships and thriving communities that lead to a better us.

Our digital currency

Ayni is at the heart of our platform. When people engage in volunteer, civic, wellness, or student experiences, they earn Ayni for their certified hours. This digital currency is deposited into their in-app wallet, where they can track their balance and transactions.

With Ayni, users can unlock exciting rewards such as local event tickets, exclusive online promotions, and unique experiences in our store. Ayni is designed to foster a reciprocal economy, where individuals can contribute to their communities while enjoying the benefits of their social impact.

We think it’s pretty cool

Building trust

Want brands to drive social impact and reward community engagement with confidence? We have to prove people actually did what they claim.

That’s why we certify all check-ins via geo-location & timestamp before collecting their experience at an event.

People sharing impact experiences with their favorite community orgs in exchange for a currency that’s honored by brands across the globe?  

That’s a mouthful.

(It’s also the future)